Thursday, 18 April 2013

Development of Drafts

These are my ideas from my drafts that I have developed and that have been analysed and reviewed by friends and teachers. It is clear to see the things that I would say I needed to change as they have been annotated to show myself and others the areas that I need to work on. I also got 2 friends and a teacher to review my work and leave comments such as advantages and disadvantages that the felt my work succeeded in but also in what my work fell.
 down in

Hannah Driver:
Advantage: The main photograph clearly shows the target audience and the age of the audience and also represents the genre in which you have looked at.
Disadvantage: The writing of the title and what is inside is not clear enough and does not stand out a huge amount, also the photographs at the bottom have been stretched and look out of place.

Mr Palmer:
Advantage: I think the photography is very well framed and also fits in with the genre and all the subject matters on the page.
Disadvantage: The layout does not follow your typical pop magazine and is very boxed, which would show that it hasn’t been very well researched or laid out.

Hayley Tarling:
Advantage: The layout of this page works really well as you has all the conventions of a magazine consisting of text, quotes and pictures.
Disadvantage: I think that more quotes need to be added and the text needs to be separated from the questions so maybe highlighted in a different colour.

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